Газовый тандемный хроматомасс-спектрометр (ГХ-МС/МС) открывает новые возможности для ультраследового анализа

  • Описание
  • Sensitivity
  • Hardware
  • Performance
  • Operation
  • Products


Газовый тандемный хроматомасс-спектрометр GCMS-TQ8050 благодаря новому высокоэффективному детектору и трем технологиям подавления шумов способен определять целевые соединения на уровне фемтограмм. Высокий уровень точности и надежности обеспечивают высокую достоверность результатов ультраследового анализа.

  • Непревзойденная чувствительность
    Новый детектор, обладая улучшенными показателями усиления сигнала, максимизирует преимущества неосевой ионной оптики, благодаря чему система отличается как высокоэффективным транспортом ионов, так и непревзойденным уровнем подавления шумов. Такие высокосовременные технологии позволяют надежно детектировать ультрамалое содержание ионов, достигая уровня фемтограмм, демонстрируя самую высокую чувствительность среди приборов подобного класса (согласно исследованиям компании Shimadzu по состоянию на август 2016 года).
  • Высокая надежность
    Помимо непревзойденной чувствительности, система обеспечивает высокий уровень надежности. Стойкий к загрязнениям ионный источник в комбинации с новым детектором, имеющим в пять раз более долгий срок эксплуатации, гарантируют надежность результатов анализов в течение долгого времени. Опционально предлагаемый безмасляный насос способен работать в течение трех лет без проведения периодического обслуживания.
  • Превосходная производительность
    Благодаря новой усовершенствованной системе вакуумирования в МС системе поддерживается глубокий и стабильный вакуум, что значительно увеличивает чувствительность и стабильность результатов анализов, а также повышает точность определения ультраследовых концентраций компонентов. Использование технологии ультрабыстрого анализа (UFsweeper) позволяет проводить измерения в режиме высокоскоростного сканирования, а также одновременно в нескольких режимах, например, сканирование полного диапазона масс и мониторинг множественных реакций (Scan/MRM).
  • Надежное управление
    Технология Smart MRM помогает создавать точные методы ультраследового анализа и гарантирует высокую чувствительность MRM измерений. Кроме того, программное обеспечение LabSolutions Insight имеет функцию контроля точности анализа, которая повышает надежность получаемых данных при определении ультраследового содержания соединений в многокомпонентных смесях.

Газовый тандемный хроматомасс-спектрометр GCMS-TQ8050 имеет Регистрационное удостоверение на медицинское изделие и может использоваться в клинико-диагностических лабораториях.


► GCMS-TQ8050 листовка 

► GCMS-TQ8050 брошюра

► Газовые хроматомасс-спектрометры SHIMADZU: объекты анализа, выполняемые ГОСТы 


Enhanced Sensitivity
The new GCMSTQ8050 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer has been created based on continuously advancing Smart technologies that go beyond what was previously possible. The resulting exceptional analytical sensitivity and robustness increase the value of solutions and open the door to new applications.

The superior data stability from trace analysis using the GCMSTQ8050 provides sensitivity that rivals highresolution GCMS analysis. The GCMSTQ8050 is a powerful new analytical tool that reliably identifies peaks even for trace quantities of dioxins and other substances previously considered difficult to analyze using a quadrupole GCMS system.

HighSensitivity Detector
The GCMSTQ8050 is able to detect peaks more reliably than previous models, even for substances with fewer ions reaching the detector. That means it can reliably analyze femtogramlevel concentrations with fewer ions.


Durable Hardware

Reduces the maintenance frequency and costs for longterm use.
Highly Sensitive and Stable Ion Source

The effect of the filament’s electric potential on the ion source is reduced by placing more distance between the filament and ion source box. In addition, a shield blocks out radiant heat generated from the filament to ensure the ion source box temperature remains uniform. Since this prevents any active spots within the ion source, it provides higher sensitivity for analysis. (Patent: US7939810)

LongLife Detector
Exhaustive efforts to reduce detector loads during analysis resulted in a significantly longer detector service life. Consequently, the instrument needs to be maintained much less frequently, which also means less downtime.

OilFree Pump
The rotary pump can be replaced with an oilfree pump, which requires no maintenance for three years. This auxiliary vacuum pump not only maintains an oilfree environment inside the vacuum lines, it also eliminates the tedious and timeconsuming tasks of replacing and disposing of the oil.


Superior Performance

The new turbomolecular pump and highefficiency analysis enables a variety of highsensitivity analysis.

New LargeCapacity Differential Vacuum System
A more stable vacuum system was achieved by using a new turbomolecular pump that offers higher evacuation efficiency. Consequently, it is able to maintain a high vacuum level even during MRM analysis with a collision gas introduced, which enables highly accurate trace analysis.

HighEfficiency Collision Cell UFsweeper™
Shimadzu’s proprietary UFsweeper technology achieves highspeed MRM analysis at speeds up to 800 transitions per second. It sweeps residual ions from the collision cell to provide highefficiency CID and fast ion transport. Rapid ion removal minimizes crosstalk and enables trace analysis (patent pending).

Sensitivity and Repeatability in Single GC/MS Mode
The highefficiency ion source provides the foundation of an ion generation and transmission system, which creates and then delivers ions to the detector, resulting in a GC/MS with the maximum possible sensitivity and repeatability. These features are not realized just for MRM measurements by GCMS/ MS, but also for scan and SIM measurements in single quadrupole modes, even with the most reactive compounds.


Reliable Operation

Accurate from Method Creation to Data Analysis

Smart MRM
The Smart MRM function automatically creates methods with measurement times optimized for each component. When creating methods for simultaneous multicomponent analysis, the complicated process of configuring measurement parameters previously made it difficult to prepare appropriate methods. By using the Smart MRM function, however, it is possible to automatically create methods with which data is acquired only during the elution time of the target components. In addition to MRM methods, SIM methods can also be created.

Smart Database
Information about optimal transitions is preregistered in the Smart Database. That means Smart MRM can be used to create optimized methods without having to evaluate analytical conditions.

In particular, the «Smart Environmental Database» is extremely useful for analysis of environmental pollutants, which require trace analysis. Not only are MRM information and stable isotope labeled compounds (IS) for target analysis components registered in the Smart Environmental Database, but also the optimal columns for separating each compound are set, so trace analysis can be smoothly performed without having to set the conditions for each compound.

LabSolutions Insight
LabSolutions Insight has been designed to drastically simplify the review process and transform data processing. LabSolutions Insight


Optional Products

HS20 Headspace Sampler
The GCMS-TQ8050 can also be used as a single quadrupole GCMS. In combination with the HS20 headspace sampler, it can analyze residual solvents in pharmaceuticals. If highly toxic impurities are discovered, even trace quantities can be quantified using MRM analysis. The HS20 transfer line is built into the GC, so combination with a liquid sample injector using the AOC20 as well as switchover operations are easy.

AOC6000 Multifunctional Autosampler
For target substances that require femtogramlevel trace analysis, it is difficult to perform sample preparation due to the high toxicity such as dilution and adding internal standards. The AOC6000 features a robotic tool changer (RTC) function that performs all steps from adding the internal standard to diluting samples automatically. Using this autosampler allows the user to perform everything from sample preparation to analysis as a continuous process, which can dramatically increase analytical throughput.