LabSolutions Insight Library Screening


Quantify and Identify using MRM Spectrum Mode

Step 1: Acquire data for all-available MRM (ion fragment) transitions
Step 2: Generate the spectrum
Step 3: Compare with MRM library spectrum

In Comparison to Existing Screening and Identification Workflows

Resources on MRM Spectrum Mode
Download these resources to learn more on MRM Spectrum Mode and find out how to apply it to accelerate your screening and identification workflow.

Application Notes

Multi-Residue Veterinary Drug Analysis of >200 Compounds using MRM Spectrum Mode by LC-MS/MS

Fast Quantitative Analysis of Antibiotic Residues in Meat, Eggs and Milk and Identity Confirmation with MRM Spectrum Mode

MRM Spectrum mode and Library Searching for Enhanced Reporting Confidence in Forensic Toxicology

Applying MRM Spectrum mode and Library Searching for Enhanced Reporting Confidence in Pesticide Residue Analysis


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Fully Automated Forensic Routine Dried Blood Spot Screening for Workplace Testing
Gaugler, S.; Al-Mazroua, M. K. et al., Journal of Analytical Toxicology,
Published: 01 October 2018.

Fully Automated Drug Screening of Dried Blood Spots using Online LC-MS/MS Analysis
Gaugler, S.; Rykl, J. et al., Journal of Applied Bioanalysis2018, 4(1), 7-15.

LabSolutions Insight Multi-Analyte Software for Mass Spectrometry